Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Prologue for Vatonage

After the collapse of the American stock market circa 2093, a treaty of union, called to the North American Union, was formed. This led to the unification of Canada, the USA, and Mexico. As one large country, the economic turmoil ended but the fight for national had just begun.
            For some time after, the ex- American Senate took over and led the country through a time of peace. Although certain rights had to be sacrificed for such a large country to operate successfully, the citizens were mostly happy. The unemployment level dropped dramatically and the crime level was on a steady decline. In order to ensure the safety of society and to prevent crime rates to climb again, the Senate banned guns. This opened doorways for the black market though.
            People, afraid of the government but still desiring their arms, went to black market in search for guns. The major increase in revenue attracted the attention of some of the most corrupt crime lords that were surviving. The cruelest of them as known as Lieto, who managed to eventually take over the black market entirely. With the amount of power he had, he was able to revive violence, starting on a small scale. Even his small crimes though, attracted the attention of the equally evil Senator Remora, who was determined to vanquish the threat before it sprung up.
            Remora, desperately searching for the solution to Lieto’s mob, the Usa Mob (named after the USA), turned to a small elite group of assassins known as the Genideed. The lead assassin, Erlix, was happy to accept Remora’s proposition, but had an agenda of his own. Erlix quickly hunted down many of the Usa Dons, the sub- leaders of the Mob. In retaliation, Lieto killed Erlix’s best students. Both groups were soon enveloped in an all- out war. Finally, Erlix was able to accomplish his secret goal, conquering the NAU for himself and ending the slaughter for a short time.
            Erlix easily accomplished this by requesting additional troops to train as assassins and money. Remora, unsuspecting of Erlix’s plot, obliged. With the renewed resources of men and currency, Erlix launched his initial attack at the Senate. The Genideed took out the national power grid and left the country unpowered. This thrust the country into chaos, with which Erlix used as a cover to assassinate forty- nine of the fifty senators. Remora, who mysteriously was sick that day wasn’t in the Senate House during the attack. For fifteen years after, the Genideed were able to maintain their control over the NAU.
During their reign, the young Auryce was born. He was raised as any other Genideed child was, but thanks to his position as Erlix’s son, he was occasionally treated better than the others. Many of the remaining clan leaders grew upset with his special treatment, thus requiring him to prove himself as an assassin. He was assigned on a mission to kill Senator Remora himself, a nearly impossible task. The young boy accepted his fate and traveled to Remora’s Base of Senate Operations. Despite Auryce’s best efforts, his attack nearly got him killed. He barely survived just trying to get past the Senator’s defenses. Due to his failure, he was cast away from the Genideed, forced to live in exile in the southernmost tip of the NAU. There, he continued his training out in the wilderness of the Mexican desert.
            During this time, Remora was secretly making deals with his worst enemy, Lieto. Lieto was eager to see what he could gain out of the Senator, but never truly trusted him; he was right for it too. Lieto and Remora formed a short time alliance and went to war with the Genideed. They fought for three years, and finally managed to overthrow the clan. In the end, all three sides took severe damage.
 Afterwards, Remora took control over the North American Union as supreme dictator. He suppressed society and forced Lieto into the shadows. The Don swore his revenge would fall hard, and soon after a fourth entity, more powerful than any of three forces had ever faced before, an entity full of hate and lust and pain. An evil force named Lucifer.
For once, all three forces were united against a common enemy, even if it killed them.


  1. Hmm, this is very creative and interesting..seems like you take writing really seriously. What's your inspiration?
    What are your favorite books & movies? Just want to see where you're coming from.

  2. You write like a pro! I wondered, too, about these ideas came together. It surely reads like a video game scenario. Very, very cool! Thanks!

  3. Thanks Katie. I plan on making this an animated movie or a television series, but I'm not exactly sure yet. I enjoy making it though. WS, I don't know where I get my motivation. I just enjoy writing.
